dbrice@the-gaitway.com | 403-283-4020

What is pronation, and how can custom orthotics help?

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Inward ankle and foot tilt are known as Pronation. It can cause the bones beneath the ankle to shift out of place and thus, lead to a considerable alteration to the way the joint operates. Outward ankle tilt, though less common still occurs in some individuals in the reverse of the above. This is called Supination.

This abnormal joint movement in the feet and ankle in turn affect the hip joint and the curvature of the spine. This generally leads to back pain and increased pressure on the hips and pelvis. Custom foot orthotics correct pronation and supination, by doing so custom Foot orthotics can eliminate pronation and supination.

About the Author
Dan Brice, B.Sc., Kin. A.T. – Foot Specialist

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